
Well, this is primarily an American site, run by an American company and staffed by American writers and (as far as I can tell) with a comments section primarily populated by Americans, so you may as well get used to what “liberal” means in this context. I don’t complain that I thought you were talking about women’s

This is the No True Scotsman fallacy. You’re arbitrarily grouping together a bunch of people (who may or may not actually exist) and declaring them “fake” liberals because they do something you don’t agree with. You are not the gatekeeper of who qualifies as a liberal.

But that’s in no way, shape, or form what they’re trying to do. Why the fuck are you pretending it is?

You are a remarkable idiot

You’re a remarkable idiot

But yeah, that leftist strawman you hate sure lost his way.

This confirms my worst suspicions about this movie. (Not to mention the trailer copy, “the next chapter in the Sicario saga.”)

God I hate music from the early aughts.

Out of all the albums released this month, this might be my favorite

No. Stop with the reboots. Don’t encourage Hollywood’s lazy dearth of new ideas. 

Whoa-ho-ho we got a contrarian here! Tell us your other hot takes, everyone on the internet is interested. 

Read it and weep, Hughes.

Dude, really? Come on Abnett and Lanning are fucking legends in modern comics! There wouldn’t have been a Guardians of the Galaxy movie without their 2000's cosmic run of books. :D

Nah, most of his work for hire stuff is shit too. The transition from Ellis to Millar on The Authority was jarring.

No, that’s Garth Ennis. As far as I can tell, Millar has never met a human being in his life.

You made an account to defend someone who put oven cleaner is a pregnant woman’s vagina. Think about that, it will be the first time you’ve ever actually had a thought.

“They had a fucked relationship and thats there bussiness.”

He deserved to die, and I’ve never ever come close to doing the kind of bad things he did. You seem stupid.

Having a Mumble Rap listening, Trap Rap follower reviewing Boom-Bap Rap is the equivalent of having an Alt-College Rock fan reviewing Heavy Metal music.