
Eh, no, those colors are awful. It looks like a black light poster.

It does look incomplete. Look at the trails of negative space through the tail, suggesting smoke, and the gap before the end of the tail. Maybe there was supposed to be white ink there? Imagine getting 90% through a huge backpiece, realizing it was awful, and just stopping.

He wrote the first draft of Gremlins, when it was still a regular horror script and Gizmo turned out to be the bad guy. Little of his original draft made it to the screen.

Pun intended?

Ray Wise, from Reaper.

For many like myself, the Satanic Panic was a great introduction to underground metal, as they would have bands like Venom and Celtic Frost alongside stuff like the Beatles and Journey or whatever.

“I wasn’t a sweaty nerd, more of an Ethlete.”

Fingers crossed we never find out.

You know, some of these could actually use remakes. Often there’s a kernal of a good (or at least fun) idea, hampered by budget, lousy scripts, bad acting, etc. It makes so much more sense to remake one of these than a genuine classic like Robocop, The Thing, etc.

I’ve been here since the pre-Disqus, pre-registration days. GJI was never interesting or fun.


Ah shit, the Ventures were awesome, and Nokie was the coolest one. RIP you smooth bastard.

Timecop! I never put that together but it makes sense.

Oh man, I love the Universal Soldier TV movies. They’re such perfect distillations of the action formula, similar to the Isaac Florentine/Scott Adkins ninja flicks. There’s something so soothing about the simplicity and directness of these unpretentious, well-choreographed action movies.

There is absolutely no indication that Skywind is “very close”.

What? I have Fallout 3 on Steam and it works just fine in Win10. Never seen anything about GFWL.

Unfortunately the album was kind of weak and he never really followed it up with anything better.

Yeah he definitely had that young old guy vibe, even then.

Sansa as Jean Grey is the one that really bugs me for some reason - her effect is just so flat and expressionless.

It’s “drivel” because you can’t understand it? That’s just sad.