
It ain’t so. I love that book and if you an make it past the first twenty or thirty pages, to get the rhythm, you’re gold.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Infinite Jest is hilarious. It’s absolutely worth persevering through.

I’ve read Ulysses twice and still don’t know how to summarize it.

Eh, he’s just mimicking the style of the time. Mason & Dixon is worth it just to experience the stoned-ass George Washington and the talking robot duck.

Bleeding Edge is pretty straightforward, for Pynchon at least.

Finally the prestige series Battlefield Earth so richly deserves.

All-Star Batman was garbage. There was nothing gleeful about it unless you’re some kind of masochist.

Fuck this. He hasn’t written anything readable in 30 years, and he’s a nasty bigoted old scarecrow. I often ask this, but what the hell are you thinking, DC?

Plus William S. Burroughs next to Pepe.

It’s fascinating that Jones and his ilk seemingly base their deductive style off of Black Dynamite’s.

I agree for the most part, but the gunplay/cover mechanic were so generic and so prevalent that I got sick of playing before finishing. I liked a lot of the other aspects.

Is this based on the recent reboot? If so, I expect about 3% of it to involve raiding of tombs, and 75% to be shooting hordes of dudes.

I wonder if there will be a Cloverfield in it as the mid season twist. Odds are about 50/50 at this point.


Yeah the colors are too close to write it off as coincidence. I wonder if this guy has any legal ground to stand on though - this was work for hire, and owned by Sony. If anything, any damages would probably go to them.

I watched on of those Steamed Hams “remixes” on Youtube after that article here and now they are like 25% of my suggested videos.

Ugh, I did not like this movie. It’s part of that sub-sub-genre of horror where two to five annoying people are stranded and spend most of the movie arguing, only to be eaten/killed at the end. I think it started with Open Water, but there was a whole crop around this time.

I think most of Ellis’ stuff is better in trades or as a binge read.

I was kind of in the same boat, but after reading all the issues up to this I don’t really think it’s necessary. Lots of characters are either from Planetary/Authority or are unrecognizable compared to the original X-treme versions.