
The first East/West Bowl

If this doesn’t have a scene where he fights Andre the Giant in a sasquatch suit, then it’s infinitely inferior to the source material.

They’re still trying to adapt this? It could work as a Stranger Things-esque period piece series, moreso than as a standalone film.

Kotaku UK still has Disqus? wtf?

He should meet with Judas Priest and one of those gangster rappers too. Problem solved!

You can’t experience cognitive dissonance without basic cognizance. So, no.

Leave Joel Schumacher out of this.

Surprised he didn’t mention that Maggie shot a guy before she learned to walk or talk.

I wonder what ever happened to that Y: The Last Man adaptation.

This actually has potential to be cool, if they don’t force in a bunch of shoehorned cameos/easter eggs and just tell the story of the Surfer and Galactus. The two-issue mini that Moebius did would be a great self-contained movie.

Well at least it’s accurate to the interminable source material.

The only ones I miss are “little kid swearing” and “kung fu movie samples”.

Eh, rap acts have been doing this since at least the invention of the CD. I was listening to Big Pun’s Capitol Punishment the other day and there’s a skit between nearly every single song, and most of them are 90 seconds plus. And a remix of Playa with some nu-metal band. So 90's it hurts.

That’s the spirit.

This is weirdly common in punk too - Milo from the Descendents, and members of Bad Religion and the Offspring (off all fucking bands) have taken long leaves of absence to pursue math or science.

Yeah I guess “Baby who shot a guy” is pretty GOP.

We prefer orange children.

“Confused, terrified old person looking for easy scapegoats and the sweet embrace of death”

“Republicans are happily the party of Homer (self-absorbed, short-sighted idiot), Bart (amoral troll, uninterested in anything resembling education or responsibility), Maggie (actual, literal baby) and Marge (perpetually in denial, pretending everything is fine).”

Agreed. I also wouldn’t call anything about it half-formed, especially since Automata, Godzilla, and Lucy were the competition that year.