So Republicans can push a plan that's 3% less shitty through and still act like they are not human pond scum.
So Republicans can push a plan that's 3% less shitty through and still act like they are not human pond scum.
It's worth something until it crashes again after a few months, when hackers rob people of millions. Again.
The Gin Blossoms once played an outdoor set mere blocks from my house, and they played Hey Jealousy four fucking times in an hour long set.
At first I was curious because this was still near Wayne's peak era, but you couldn't pay me to listen to T-Pain in 2017.
It's spelled "Hollywoo" dammit.
I hope this is still hanging when trump resigns/is forced out. There's something viscerally satisfying about that.
I think the first book was decent page-turner pulp. The sequel is, indeed, pretty crappy - the worst sin a book like this can commit is to be boring.
I've always been a Nyarlathotep man, myself.
Trump could personally burn their house down and they'd be standing in the ashes the next day, screaming "fake news!"
What about Winamp is difficult to use?
If anything, this will make mp3s more universal, since it is no longer a proprietary format.
Nope. This is all 100% horseshit.
There's even a Wesley Willis song about emusic!
There's about 50 other tributes to that album out there this week if you're hard up.
I'm not an expert in the style (and nobody really sounds like GLOSS) but Limpwrist and Behead the Prophet NLSL are both excellent queer hardcore bands.
G.L.O.S.S. is fucking great.
Possibly the most irritating child actor of all time.
Don't forget Eastwood.
And Paul Reubens in that Pee Wee movie.