
needs some ffdd

It sorta worked for Arnie in that last Terminator movie, but 1) it was a very darkly-lit scene and 2) Arnie never looked all that real anyway.

They wouldn't need CGI if they gave me the role.

Why, when Rob Schneider's right there?

Ok, this still works for my analogy.

One would think Arizona would be America's bleached asshole. If Florida is the dong and Texas is the nutsackā€¦

You know who would make a good Richard Simmons? Neil Breen.

Crow sounds like himself to me, but Jonah and Servo are tough to tell apart.

Why don't you make me.

"Bernie Sanders" fits better with the cadence of "Holy Diver".

I'll third it. Their 70's run of albums is maybe the most consistently great of any band from that era/style.


The AV Club

He's referring to The Nuge, obviously.

Cry Wilderness and Reptilicus are straight up bad, though. Really, really bad.

Anybody seen Arpaio and Baio in the same room?

Better than the Hank III version by a long shot.

Hell, William S Burroughs lived to be like 85.

Remember when Kim Deal was Mrs. John Murphy? Similar amount of horribleness.

Hey Kris Kristofferson seems like a stand-up guy.