
Yeah, I'm super excited for this one, especially after that trailer. Exploding pumpkins! Robert Patrick!

Sweet, this is finally out.

They don't count because they were good.


Wright also played a pimp!

"I'm not allowed to say anything racist" is what that signifies.

No, "H.H. Holes" is the porn parody

H.H. Holmes? That would give him another excuse for some ludicrous facial hair, at least.

Where's Kanye?

He looks like a deflated basketball

Stokoe's last Godzilla book, Half Century War, was excellent.

Even "Mother"?

Also it should be noted that Dogwelder from Hitman was the product of a bar bet between Ennis and Steve Dillon to see who could come up with a stupider superhero name than "Green Lantern."

Oh man, things do not improve for Mr. Raynor later in Hitman….

Don't forget the Superman Forrest Gump crapola too.

some other white people

Just break up the fucking band. Oderus is dead, pack it in. This ghoulish tribute crap is embarrassing.

Lossy compression and dynamic compression are not the same thing. The "loudness wars" have nothing to do with format.

You leave Macho Man Randy Savage out of this!

So, Alan Moore's Lost Girls, basically.