
Lewis Hamilton bitches about EVERYTHING.

Shouldn’t be that difficult. There’s already standards for hitches, brakes, lights, wheel clearances, etc.

I call it “The Sabine Effect.”

You’re trolling. Or the stupidest human being ever.

Oh now I get it. You’re unable to be competitive and need someone to blame for your failures.

I wonder if those back-of-the-pack guys are giving advice to any of the male drivers that they can’t keep up with?

Yeah, it’s totally her fault that her dad has money. She should be shamed and harassed for being wealthy, in addition to being female.

The UK’s goal is to be all ZEV by 2050. So hybrids will be banned eventually.

The UK just announced a ban on IC engines by 2040. Hybrid technology is just a stop-gap measure for automakers, and they don’t need to invest millions in racing programs to further develop it when everything is going to full electric in our lifetimes.

You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of the basic concept of insurance: Many people paying for the costs of a relative few. Why do I need auto insurance? I don’t crash my car into other people and things. If only bad drivers bought auto insurance, the industry would never sustain itself.

I’m 54, adult as shit, and I drive a Mk 7 GTI with a 6-speed. Life’s too short not to drive something fun!

“Wherever the Canadian was in Iraq, ISIS is probably scared shitless of him. How do you defend against a two-mile shot in the middle of battle?

Your story is identical to mine. Religion, to me anyway, is a set of rules, wrapped up in a fantastic story, for people who can’t figure out for themselves how to treat others with respect, and think that living a “good life” means being somehow better than you.

Oh, McLarens can fly just fine.

So many idiotic behaviors, so little bandwidth. Here are a few of my bad driver indicators:

Oh, to be sure. I’m not trying to ignore the damage Trump will do. I’m just trying to remain positive that at some point, more rational heads will prevail.

Frankly, I think the Trump presidency might be the kick in the pants our country has needed. Both parties have not been serving us well. Either they need to get their shit together, or step aside. #resist

Please. Biden is a well-known ‘Vette guy.

I like it. This would be a good way to keep Button and Alonso in a driver’s seat as well. They’ve both expressed an interest in endurance racing, Alonso in particular.

“You need a good bra in the Carousel!” I am in love...