
And then the game began, and you watched the Mariners play, and the tears REALLY began to flow.

Actually, it's 2/3 corporate, 1/3 non corporate for MLB stadia names. But I'm including Busch and Wrigley in the non-corporate category because those fields were originally named after the ownership families, rather than a paid corporate sponsorship. You can argue that they should be in the corporate category, but it

Over 7 games, luck becomes less and less of a factor. I'm not saying Boston sucks, but the cream rises to the top. And yeah, the best team does win. That, is the very definition of "best."

Uh, the Bruins are all baiting hooks, making tee times, and working on their tans right now. They can't even play with teams in the East.

I've been watching hockey for decades now. I'm hard pressed to recall any better stretch of hockey that that 8 minutes. Just tremendous!

Actually, "racism" gets misspelled all the time. You typically see it as "Redskins."

Doubtful that Hank slept last night. :-(

Can I get a "Yeah Jeets!!!"

YAY! Air-cooled Porsches rule!

Now playing

Seems like a good time to remember this ad, n'cest pas?

Whew! Glad Porsche enthusiasts didn't make the list! I guess that's because everyone knows they ARE the best, amirite? :-p

I say it's teh 'roids. Worked for McGwire, Bonds, Sosa, A-Rod...

Good question. I've always wondered why they didn't spent their time and effort on banning divorce, if they were so concerned about the sanctity of marriage?

No need to pick on Southern Oregon. There's all kinds of crazy just a few minutes from Downtown Portland, out in Clackamas County. Or as we Stumptowners affectionately refer to it, Crackinmyass.

Leave cows out of this.

Wait, let me get this straight. You had a phone conversation regarding Donald Sterling...and you DIDN'T RECORD IT??? I wasn't aware that was even possible.

Really? I use Car2Go in my city all the time. Never have I encountered any of the malodors you describe.

Exactly! Mass transit and my own two feet are how I get around during the week. Saturday and Sunday, the Porsche gets to play.

Well, yeah. There are those things I suppose. But the government hasn't done anything for the auto and petroleum industries, right?

"...Ken Block to reenact the Battle Of Gettysburg with rally cars."