
True, but all the other seedy things they were doing were in private. It was just weird to see a cop in uniform throwing back a few Yuenglings. BTW, great work by the prop guy on the show to have them drinking the local lager.

Do cops regularly drink in uniform? I thought that was a no-no.

Bring back Craig Kilborn, but only if he brings "5 Questions" with him.

Great show, but I was surprised how much the tone matched that of BB. I was expecting a lighter, funnier show considering Saul was always seen as a comic relief in BB. All in all, a great show and I'm interested to see where they take it.

This is one tricky fellow, adopting 3 personas! What kind of deal with the Devil did he make!

I swear this guy is Robert Downey Jr. You never see the two of them in the same place!

It should really be a buddy-comedy. An uptight apocalypse survivor is forced to share an apartment with a slobby walker, which the uptight guy can't stand because the slobby walker is always leaving things around the house: his underwear, his socks, his fingers. Also, they have to dress like women because its a

Does any one else find it kind of jarring they air an episode about how hot it is in the summer when it's cold as balls out in the Winter? I know it has to do with production schedules, blah, blah, blah, but we sent a man to the moon ferchrisake, can't we show Winter episodes in the Winter, as God intended?

I would like to see more of the Amazing Race Audition Tape please.
Also, this was a B- episode. Being weird and outrageous doesn't always equal funny.

Best line from a one-time, unnamed character for the Kamp Krusty episode(from the early 90's, when the Simpsons was good):
Teacher: Wait a minute, you didn't learn how WW2 ended!
Students: (Pause for answer)
Teacher: We won!!
Students: Yay! U-S-A! U-S-A!


Death of parents is how you start a Disney movie.

Will it have scream-singing? I bet it will have scream-singing.

He would have nailed the geography part of 5 Questions.

You just know some programmer is going to create a bot to repeatedly view a video to break the new counter. Let's all hope it's this:

Perhaps this was a flashback scene to the early days of the first Jedi when lightsabers needed exhaust ports.
Perhaps these little "side-sabers" have some additional benefit you haven't thought of.
Perhaps you're putting too much thought into a universe with backwards talking magical muppets.

Seriously. Technology doesn't keep advancing at the same rate all the time. It has to plateau at some point.


Beth is no great loss. She was a boring character anyway.
