
Any story that literally ends with a deus ex machina doesn't deserve one film, let alone four.

Ahhh Morley… Welcome to flavor country!

Its a game of inches measured in yards. This is all well-trod territory.

I'm ok with this.


I like how things are actually HAPPENING this season. When we started season 5, I was worried we would spend the whole season in Terminus, with a slow reveal that Gareth and the gang are the bad guys. I'm glad we're avoiding the "slow-times on the farm" from season 2 that almost killed the show. Action, plot,

I just assumed Gareth's group did it, and it meant Grade A meat.

Is this some sort of tax inversion move?

I believe the writers said they use the comics as a loose guide, not as canon that needs to be strictly adhered to. Having never read the comics myself, I chose who dies on how much the show seems to be able to get out of them. I chose Glenn as the "big" death, because he seems like a big enough character for it to

Clearly, there are way too many characters this season, so our heroes need to be thinned out a bit. Here's my guess who lives and who dies.

This is the most anyone has talked about Rob Schneider's work in decades.

Since GBV is essentially just Bob Pollard, they can never really "break-up", he'll just be releasing a dizzying amount of music under a different name. He just released 3 albums in the time it took to write this.

O'Neal is an American hero. If there was an award for writing witty stuff on the internet, he should win it.

Putting the album Penthouse by Luna on my parents stereo. A few seconds into Chinatown, my mom asks, "What's wrong with the speakers?"

Smiling politely.

Does he realize how much money Disney has?

All those poor Hollywood producers! Won't someone start an stupid internet challenge-thingy to save them!

In their defense, 46 years is the average lifespan of a Taco Bell patron.

I never understood why the Friends hung out in a coffee shop instead of a bar. Coffee isn't THAT great.

Worst. Hypothetical Ending. Ever.