
This is what happens when you send Stormtrooper assassins.

The Simpsons at their best is clearly the right answer.

Slappers only!

That was a HUGE amount of weed to have forgotten about. Seriously, it was like a 1/2 ounce!

50 Shades of Pray? No , wait… Nifty Ways to Pray? No… hmmm Bible-Bangers! That's it!

An 80's party scene with no coke? Lamest convention ever.

Please stop using the word "tapped" when someone is chosen to do something. I find it annoying. Also, stop saying someone "rocked" a particular piece of clothing.

If you boycott a terrible movie, and no one sees it, did the boycott work?

Sooo… will my Valiant comics be worth anything now?

TWOD is the best American band out there right now, followed closely by Spoon. This is shaping up to be a great year for rock music.

I must say, Donna holds herself together wonderfully in that oppressive Texas heat.

The new movie should be from the past. Predators in the Middle-ages!

And a heroin addict.

Or "How I got older and the stuff I used to like when I was young, I don't like that much anymore."

A mini-series about the Beatles! Awesome, now we'll finally get to know what those lads with the funny haircuts were all about.

Man, Joe will screw anyone.

Wake me up when they introduce the Dino-birds.

So has GoT jumped the shark yet? It feels like GRRM is one funny hat away from allowing fan-fiction writers to finish the series.

If he's not the fat guy who says offensive things anymore, what is he?

Wait, artists are influenced by those that come before them? No! No, it can't be true!!