
It takes 9 guys to make that music?

Totally! I was just thinking this. When Mr. Robot showed up in the stairwell out of nowhere, it was a little too perfect. I hope this isn't the case though, because having a Tyler Durden knockoff seems a little bit of hack writing to me.

I find it hard to believe that Gordon thought he would never have to pay back Donna's parents. There may never have been anything written down on paper, but c'mon man, when you borrow money, you pay it back, especially after a million dollar payday.

Entertaining show so far, but I'm worried that it will all be for nothing. After all, when dealing with a protagonist who was first introduced as having a history of hallucinations, and another character who (if real) is a hypnotherapist, there really are no rules. Any crazy thing can happen and can later be

Since this is the 80's, I have to ask, who's going to get AIDS? My bet is on Tom.

Is Gordon coming down with some sort of neuromuscular disorder? First he couldn't open the can of soda, then he couldn't pull the wires out of the computer. Disease as a plot device, perhaps?

Its called getting old. You realize you can't spend 8 hours/day playing video games and you need to start accomplishing real things in real life. Now my video game consumption consists of a few minutes on my phone waiting for the kids to go to sleep.

Wait a minute, a record label manufactures controversy to increase awareness of its artist and her work. That would never happen. NEVER!

This episode would have made an excellent season finale. As a series finale, it was a huge letdown. The other characters saying that Don "always does this", referring to his absence followed by a triumphant return with a great new idea only proves it. Ending the series by having Don do what he has always done was

Terrible. Don has a breakthrough at group therapy and comes up with a new campaign for Coke? That's it? Peggy and Stan "realize" they love each other? That's cheap writing. And honestly, I was disappointed they didn't bring back Conrad Hilton. He and Don seemed to have a mystical relationship that was left

Oh, is it?

How about Stormtroopers that can actually hit the side of a barn! I'm tired of scenes of good guys running away under a barrage of blaster fire and no one even gets nicked.

I don't understand the historical mechanism of a siege and why the Parisians would allow the Vikings to not only land, but camp for several weeks, giving them time to plan, recon and build large siege machines without giving some sort of resistance. As far as I can tell the Vikings have no archers so the Parisians

I couldn't disagree more. Mike has always been pragmatic and sensible. When dealing with the Underworld of ABQ, it's always a good idea to have and not want then want and not have. I understand the writers were trying to prove he is a badass, but we already know that. It just seemed very out of character for him.

I find it very hard to believe Mike wouldn't bring a gun. A person like him knows that any deal, no matter how safe it may seem, can always go south quickly.

While Morgan is awesome, it seemed a little far-fetched that this hermit is suddenly a martial arts master. It reminded me of the Matrix, "I know karate."

No. While it is necessary to put a hole in Reg's head to prevent him from turning, I think it was pretty clear Pete is dead.

Why don't they just put their content on Youtube? That seems to work out for everyone these days.

If they bring back the The Adventures of Brisco County Jr, I'd be all in.

So what is the relationship between Jimmy and Kim? Are they sleeping together? All the things he has done for her (painting her nails, offering her a corner office, getting her clients back etc) goes way beyond pure professional respect. Also, she seems to be very important in Jimmy's life, yet isn't featured in