
But what about The Magic Hour?

A million in one day?! I'm not going to take his word for it.

War on Drugs should really be the headliner, being a better band and all.

She's pretty. That is all.

I'm drinking rum!

I for one look forward to his velvety baritone.

Funny hat, beard, outdated/underused technology. Can hipsters be old and fat?

Elsa should show up in something X-men-ish. Disney owns Marvel now (right?), so it could totally happen. In fact, there could be a whole Disney/Marvel crossover. Elsa vs Iceman, Ariel and Sub-Mariner get together, Mickey Mouse vs Squirrel Girl. Its all there people, make it happen!

You heard what I said.

Meatloaf in any way, shape or form is terrible. Except for the food version. That is delicious.