Tis what happens when you listen to greatness without protection. Kids, never forget to keep your ear buds wrapped!
Tis what happens when you listen to greatness without protection. Kids, never forget to keep your ear buds wrapped!
White people who think they're being non-racist by shouting about how gangs and teardrop tats are "Latino culture" is the new white people who think they're being non-racist by shouting about how shaking your ass is "black culture."
I don't want to read a lecture on race from someone who says "her albino boyfriend" and pulls a "I know all about this because my neighbor is Mexican." Learn the basics of jargon before you talk about this in public. Every single person on this site knows more than you about this.
Here's my thing as a fat woman.
How about the fact that a person's health, actual or perceived (and no, statistical analysis does not make you an individual fat person's doctor), has zero bearing on whether or not it's okay to be a dick to them?
She is so beautiful it is unreal. How gorgeous.
Sometimes I thin ugh, men.
The worst part is that she put her name on it! Now people will know she wrote it.
On Thursday, William Hague, the UK's Foreign Secretary, announced that London will host a global summit next year to…
When someone does something that a racial minority says is racist against them, the way to determine whether or not it was racist is to listen to the minority, not to listen to the person saying "It's not racist because it's true." I don't know what's complicated about the idea that potential racists will always say…
They'll bounce back with Muppets Most Wanted :)
To me, the more interesting issue is not Breslaw's random anti-semitic trolling, but really the issue of why a writer for a polemically pro-choice site would choose to advance this particular argument, that pro-choice views are "so main stream that even satanists accept them." My pro-choice views are morally right…
(I meant to start a whole new thread here; my apologies for the reply to you, lankypanky!)
Reminder that Anna Breslaw is a piece of shit that hates Holocaust survivors for surviving the Holocaust. Literally.