Unfortunately the two idiots keep getting knocked down but they get up again.
Unfortunately the two idiots keep getting knocked down but they get up again.
Sorry not new content but new chapter releases today.
I don’t think Trump is having fun yet.
No kidding, and I just got back into Battlefront because of the new update and now new release is today for Battlefield 5. So many choices.
I wish I had given Zeonic Front more attention and patience. I miss games like that and Crossfire.
I like NGB but not the targeting, Dynasty Gundam game was much better with the swarming enemies.
Honestly that really appeals to me, I have New Gundam Breaker and try to keep the weapons close to what they used because it just feels right. I’ll have to check it out tonight.
This 100%. He’s no Senator Palpatine waiting in the wings to execute order 66. He’s a dumbass trying to look holier than thou while clutching the hem of Mother’s dress.
Exactly, he is how I would dress since I’m a poor bastard that can’t afford a tailored suit.
But everyone is telling him to resign, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
It’s time for mandatory abortions since the country is full.
Anyone else getting NSFW images from the Wish ads?
Yes it is certainly absurd that the man who lies all the time would tell another one to try and save his ass.
Nobody has better calls, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. It was a perfectly perfect call by a very stable genius.
She has this Texan’s vote.
Five bucks says he regularly discusses politics during his sermons and tells his congregation how to vote.
He’s orange and hopefully he will get crushed.
You know they know where Hoffa is buried. I’d go back and watch all of those old conspiracy shorts and ask about every one if I was president.
I doubt it, he probably asked what they have on him and to delete it. He doesn’t think about anything but himself.