
I don’t understand how any woman would find THAT attractive. 

I am both a Bernie and Warren supporter, I would prefer either one of them to Biden but at the end of the night I will go with whoever the big banks fear most. And come election day I will vote for anyone without an R next to their name.

Exactly, these pricks can afford a lot more than what Warren and Sanders want. This makes me want to grab a fork and knife and go to town on them. Maybe we can get Macron to ship us a guillotine.

The only time he grabs em by the pole.

Quantum Trumptanglement?

So now he’s not only a nazi he’s a grammar nazi.

The last person convicted of treason was in 1952, unless he is labeling everyone that speaks badly of him a traitor and wants them all killed.

As in trust them to do stuff for whats best for the nation over personal interests?

And now threatening violence against the whistleblower, add witness tampering to the list.


I work at a high school and talk daily with my former teacher here about everything going on. 

Eh, World Order has a better look to me. Now to go and have a nice day.

That’s sad, I loved him on AoS. Hope they can bring him back in some form like how Constantine was brought in on Legends of Tomorrow.

Installed update last night but didnt get a chance to play, also wondering how it is.

It’s the holy hand grenade defense.

Now playing

I like Titus’ take on the word. Does not apply at all to those people.

And complaining about OSHA violations because of the height of the railing.

They need to slow walk all of it so keep it in public for the election.

Shit, they’ve released badly doctored weather maps, and gotten his doctor to falsify his medical date so he is just under being obese. No way you can eat that much fast food and be at tip top shape. 

Then she will put him on double secret probation.