
Yes, having more adult things to do leaves me less time to game. I used to be able to spend hours after work gaming and now I can only do an hour or so before I am tired and ready to lay down and watch tv. Getting old sucks.

My greatest memory in pre-BC was leveling a Prot Warrior before they could really deal damage. Joined a guild and made friends because I was the first decent tank they had found in a long time. Don’t remember that guild’s name but a few friends and I formed a new smaller one soon after. Long live DEATH BY SNOO SNOO.

And you family gets a portion of the Texas Lottery. Win win.

It will be gone the moment Popeyes releases more sandwiches.

Or King of the Monsters

As a fan I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut about it “being our year” I’ll let my cowboy fan friends humiliate themselves.

Neither will the blind guy.

Everything I’ve seen with her has her being too over the top. Not a fan of that type.

From the pic I thought Kellyanne got some decent plastic surgery, nope just another blond talking head.

I got paid every two weeks in college, that meant a trip to the mall to get whatever I needed and lunch at LJS before heading back to the dorm. Nothing like the fish and chicken platter to put you into a food coma for a much needed nap before working saturday night.

Does anyone really think he knows how to say ‘niche’? He probably thinks its a woman who is very lovely and has told him he has the biggest hands shes ever seen.

I agree that they need to increase damage of the AA guns. 

An organized squad can easily take down a vehicle, soloing a vehicle is very hard to do. I wish the engineers blowtorch would at least damage the vehicle like it used to in other games.

Less students means less body heat.

I tried it and yes it is better.

He looks like he’s having a stroke from seeing too many buns.

I’ll follow and try a piece of that.

Good thing I have the entire collection.

There is something in there pumping the sludge through those clogged arteries. 

It was the best.