I miss the old game manual you could read on the toilet.
I miss the old game manual you could read on the toilet.
I have a 2TB drive in mine but its loaded up with rockband songs. It sucks how big downloads of some games are getting.
I still get the magazine because I like to have something to read on the can. Not as comfy doing it online.
Would that just keep him alive longer like a pacemaker?
And I’m guessing no one in the media is going to call him out on the blatant lie.
I classify myself as a geek because I suck at math.
The Star Wars nerd put their religion as Jedi.
Same, I didn’t like ground battle when it first came out, seems everyone was OP and you would die way too fast. I stuck to star fighters, instant action will get me to try the game again.
Did we just witness the president having a stroke?
I got my towel, do you?
Mitch the Minion
Unfortunately the majority of the voting public are idiots.
Everyone talking about stealing and I’m wondering how heavy they are.
I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
In Pokemon Go it sounds like Curly.
I’m sure Trump’s poetry is worse than a Vogon’s.
I wouldn’t put it past him to think they love him long time. No way he knows where it’s from.
Sounds like a “church” that needs to start paying taxes.
Ah yes the it won’t stop everything so don’t bother defense.