
1. Frosted flakes

Different story if they were darker skinned.

Amen Kevin, mayo is superior in all aspects. They can’t win a world war yet you think their potato salad is better? Crazy talk.

Flying Thor?

Great Value marvel

That’s a very broad generalization. I am fairly certain there are some people here that are honest.

I had a copy of Postal somewhere at home, wish I could find it....

Now he needs to touch Jr and Eric...

I’ve found that the smaller rounds come out better than actual tater tots. Less inside that doesn’t crisp.

I don’t remember that in the other games, I’m looking forward to getting the game later when it comes out on sale with all the DLC.

I saw it growing up and loved it. Never got a chance to finish, now that I have access to HBO GO I need to watch.

Agreed on m&m’s, never order an m&m blizzard.

I bbq’ed and wrapped two onions in foil and cooked one with butter and the other with lime juice. Soooooo damn good.

I used to not eat tomato but I ate ketchup. Wasn’t till college when the burgers were small and I needed all the extras I could get to fill up.

I love all onions, raw, cooked, grilled, sauted. diced, sliced. A local taqueria has the best cooked onion, smothered in butter and cooked with season all.

Think you can cast a spell and save us Constantine?


My parents were regulars for those places and had a revolving account for YEARS. For awhile I was sucked into it with them but I finally got the strength to say no to extending the loan and have been free from it for years now. Now that I lost both parents bills are piling up and it is tempting but I do not want to go

How christian of them.

There is a bfast sausage I found at my local store that is diced up sausage, bacon, and ham in link form.