
Amen, I toss a few in the air fryer then smash them in a pan and add egg for my tacos.

Well, not that shocked.

Like they say, people look down on the poor for getting government assistance but it’s fine with a rich corporation gets the hand out.

Too bad we can’t blare it at the white house and make him leave.

Surrounded by people evading taxes and other crimes yet he only hires the best. Me thinks his judgement is suspect.

Never had one, been tempted to try.

Cities still haven’t learned that this ass hat doesn’t pay his bills.

I wish he was like a tulpa from Supernatural and that if people stop believing in him he would just go away.

I picture him yelling at his phone like Captain Kirk.

Why did you bring up mushroom of all things? (shudder)

He should have taken her last name so they could be THE CHAOS.

OH GOD! Why did you tell us that!


What I loved from the older games was the solo play and unlocking new cars to use in harder laps with other requirements. I’m guessing there is nothing like that in this game.

Loved the cartoon, too bad it was late night on UPN.

He talks about it in one of his specials, he got into it with them because they wanted to break Titus and Erin up and he told them they had no clue what they were doing. They waited till midnight on the last day to tell him it wasn’t being renewed.

Russian roulette? 

Same, wish I had gotten the third season on dvd. I’m from deep south texas and would love for him to come closer to home to perform.

If you haven’t seen it check out Christopher Titus’ response to the word retard. Great comedian and he makes a great point about the mentally handicapped people not being representative of the word compared to idiots that ruin their life on purpose.