Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
Why on earth would you use a semi-automatic weapon to kill deer?
I’m glad to hear there are now therapists willing to work with people who have sexual thoughts about children but do not want to act on them or harm anyone. For a long time I feel like the subject was so taboo that even people who desperately wanted help were shunned by trained professionals who feared their…
Imagine what would have happened had Lavery not spoken up. Imagine how many other times (past, present and future) children were/are/will be abused because people with inside knowledge do not speak up. I hope Lavery is safe and the person who expressed this level of attraction towards children gets the help they need…
Your last sentence reminds me of a great comment I read on Jez years ago, regarding Princess Diana’s death:
When my mother died, all I wanted to do was to curl up and cry for days but as an only child, I had arrangements to make, people to call, it was exhausting. This is what I thought of when reading her statement. Obviously her work is on an entirely different level and I understand our losses are different but geez, if…
So perhaps it’s the wake-and-bake, but I literally have no clue why he’s even using this? Why is he using Billy’s mind-blowing fabulousness to describe “me” when he’s talking about the kids of politicians (not that his pos father is really a politician)? Is it about the hat?
for cats it’s pretty easy. Whatever the size of the bed, half goes to the cat. The rest goes to everything else that sleep there. Because whatever size of bed you have, the cat will always set up in the most impractical spot, and choose a position so cute in mere seconds that you won’t have the heart to move it around.
The finale of The Office, an extremely popular TV show that had “celebrities” on it, had under 4 million viewers. Nikkie’s coming out video currently has over 16 million views. Does this help you understand? Or do you just hate the internet as a platform for people getting famous?
To clarify, the account that posted that wasn’t Jerrod Blandino but his sister’s?
okay but at what altitude could a space horse even still reasonably breathe
I’d be insanely happy voting for this ticket.
“Violence is not the answer” is some horseshit “rule” oppressive power structures want you to believe.
I would really love to Barr disbarred. The guy is corruption incarnate.
I was so focused on the eyes and Santa’s nightmare teeth that I didn’t even see the actual cocaine on the table until I scrolled back up.
Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.…
YouTube dramas make me feel like saying “ok boomer” to MYSELF.
Boomers hating this new ‘Boomers thing’ after shit talking Millennials for the last decade and a half is actually peak Boomer.