
Still waiting, you still-born asswipe.

Coming from someone named after the biggest cesspool of filth and garbage in the US?

DERP. You’re fucking retarded.

I take it you aren’t well acquainted with wrestling, huh? No offense, but anyone who isn’t a complete inbred dipshit knows WWE is starting a new Cruiserweight division.

And it’s adorable that you think so.

McGregor will be in WWE by 2018. He seems like too much of a cartoon for much else.

Fucking Christ you tool, I didn’t ask for your life story.


Close enough. Lex Luthor developed a super power pill that he’s mass producing and supplying to both sides.

Yes. It is.

So, just fucking stupid then? I strongly suspected as much.

And boom goes the dynamite. Hahahahahaha.

X is cool, until he trips on something and snaps his pelvis. The comedically oversized leggings are fucking stupid looking.

I’m sorry. I knew exactly what you meant but was playing the smartass card.

You may have to point out where that makes what I said any less relevant or true. I might be missing it, but then again, you might be fucking stupid.

What the fuck are you spending money on then? Do you just end the game with millions? Are you bad enough that you need the money for potions?

Ultra hard pass from me. I’ll just content myself with AM2R until Nintendo decides to make a Metroid game.

At least fucking figure out what you’re replying to. Jesus Christ, you utter fucking mongoloid.

Music videos are notoriously easy to parody. I’m hoping John Oliver or someone else takes care of it.

Your meaning was almost unbelievably extremely clear. People on the internet don’t have brains though.