
Just read the comment and think for a fucking fraction of a second.

Derp. Hard derp.

Retarded people everywhere recoiled at the thought of being lumped in with that piece of shit.

Just responding to your comment about the way Trump’s supporters importance to the world in general has been exaggerated. I mean, it’s not like there’s anywhere near enough to where he has any remote shot at actually winning.

No idea why people are answering you seriously when it’s so much easier to just call you a fucking idiot and move on.

Yeah, those exaggerated Trump supporters are a bitch huh?

No. Did you miss the part where I accused her reply of molesting me? Not much seriousness to be had here.

Yes it did. Right on the left hand rim of my asshole.

That is exactly who Deadshot is. Not sure why Deathstroke has gotten the shaft in favor of a poor imitation.

With their teeth and claws? Is this a trick question?

Not sure they’d work on the hyenas, but Harley’s toe to toe standing with the superpowered people is pretty readily explained.

She’s been pretty awesome in Injustice. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before making yourself look like a toolbag.

They’re trying out a brand new concept called sex sells.

How could this possibly fuck up your day? Is the announcement of the game threatening your job or livelihood? Did the Metal Gear franchise touch you when you were younger?

It’s not fairly recent either. They’ve been doing articles like this for years. Maybe you should acquire the ability to read and look into it, you utter fucking moron.

The people of Turkmenistan, Google, Wikipedia, Dictionary.com, and many other places disagree with you.

As opposed to the rest of the Olympics, which are... wait, a fucking joke too. Hmmm.

No one outside of team Valor likes team Valor.

The fact that you think this is just an American website is fucking adorable.

I try, I do try.