
Of course I realize it. Why the fuck do you think I’m laughing?

There’s always a need, you fucking tool.

Agree to disagree. I’m still laughing.

Dirty words aren’t necessarily angry, sometimes they’re just descriptive.

The funny thing is, I don’t really give a shit about any of this. Your projection of anger is entirely your own.

Trying WAY too hard for “sleepy eyes” I guess? She looks fucking retarded.

Never seen whatever movie you’re talking about. In other news: Go fuck yourself.

What a fucking cop out. “Oh I didn’t do that well in my event? Must be that damn monthly visitor.”

Sorry, I wasn’t shit fucking stupid enough to buy into this to begin with.

Oh look, another chance for LOLTHATSWHATYOUGET to be a complete and utter tool.

Not necessarily happy, but I’ve got little enough to hide and little enough to steal that I think it’s pretty fucking funny.


As soon as deserve a fucking dime.

It’s so sad when adults can’t read. Do you need help with the big words?

Also, drawing the conclusion that premium is dead right in the middle of the explosion of the most popular free game ever dreamed of seems a little short sighted.

Without the Pokemon name attached this is a slightly above average RPGMaker game.

Not sure what the article is on about, but this is a stand alone PC game.

Granted, that would not clear up anything in any way whatsoever.

Impressive that you can still type with the butt-hurt tears streaming from your eyes.

Perhaps the dev could open his fucking pie-hole and remove all the “perhaps” completely so the players know what the fuck is going on.