
“when there are some genuinely interesting things happening”

“but I can see Disney wanting something so much better than Pirates of the Caribbean to stay buried in Davy Jones’s Locker as it were.”

“We literally have a government funded department that’s named ‘The Department of Female Gender & Family’ (Previously named The Department of Female Gender).”

If all goes well, the US is about to elect it’s first woman president.

South Korea is sexist. It’s really no more complicated than that.

Not to mention the Lovecraftian nightmare necessary to twist the girl in the center’s spine the way it is.

Will not interact with grammarfag further. Fuck off.

So, what your saying is Penny Arcade is an inbred racist hillbilly?

He was depowered by Doc Green a while back, but that’s easy enough to retcon if they want.

I’d say Pokemon has been around long enough to not be considered a fad anymore.

Yeah, it’s just a fine for weed. The synthetic stuff was a different case entirely when it started killing people.

“Betting on Kinect seemed like a smart move in 2014"

Like the dumbshits that think “lmao” is a word?

Xaoc is not wrong. You are a worthless unpleasant cunt.

This website isn’t here to cater to your specific interests, you stuck up egotistical piece of human shit.

You mean like the seven points of articulation on this figure you fucking moron?

They told you who it is fuckface, get the fuck over yourself.

Eden Sher

Vincent: “Umm hey guys, remember me?”