
He CAN’T handcuff her! There is a process for contempt of court; he didn’t even charge her with contempt of court. He made her sit in the corner like a fucking toddler in time out. There is no reason why this should have happened.

It’s possible, but we would need the full transcript to verify. What if he told her to be quiet and wouldn’t even let her make an argument/do her job? Also, him calling her by her first name instead of “Counselor” is a huge red flag.

It is conceivable she was so obnoxious and inappropriate over such a long period of time that the handcuffing is justified.

I just read the transcript, and it doesn’t look like she ever interrupted him. He continually interrupted her, though. Unless she had a really nasty tone of voice, I don’t see that she did anything wrong.

Even if she was in contempt, I believe there are proper legal procedures to be followed instead of treating her like a child and making her sit in a corner?

Peter Crouch also gave one of the best media answers in history. When asked what he’d be if he wasn’t a footballer, he responded “a virgin.”

We practiced for ultimate frisbee by doing bong hits and drinking beers.

Given the Sharks reputation in the playoffs built in recent years...I’d like to think he’s had a little practice with that as well.

And that’s what separates pro athletes from the rest of us, that willingness to devote unthinkable chunks of their lives to honing skills that may actually only pay off a handful of times each year.

His heroic story battling the injuries he received from this will soon be told in the tear jerking TV movie “Ryan’s Voglesong”

Hands up, don’t boot.

Not the first fuckup involving bad owners and MSG.

How I Learned God’s Mechanics, Not Throwing Mechanics

The Power of Positive Yardage

Confirmed: Better to Be Good than Lucky

Cut Twice: The Tim Tebow Story

Haha, this response slayed me. I could hear the dripping sarcasm.

my favorite part was when you backed up your thesis with science, mathematics, and hard evidence.