Anyone who shows up to a Tigers game in April should be wearing gloves on both hands IMO.
Anyone who shows up to a Tigers game in April should be wearing gloves on both hands IMO.
Manziel says he and Gordon are testing themselves and staying positive.
I literally read this, turned around in my chair so that I couldn’t see my screen, put my head in my hands, and giggled until the tears rolled down my face.
Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.
Bartolo Colon once cracked a rib while working on a mound, but it was strictly to get at the marrow.
The only aliens allowed at Augusta are the grounds crew.
Pablo Sansabelt.
It'll be the second Belt to get an extension this weekend.
You neglected to mention all the ones that meant I am not a daddy.
Don’t forget that time it rained.
This is a good comment.
Other great cycling victories:
Bet you're fun at parties.
St. Louis has officially changed their mascot to the Caucasians, or “Caucs” for short.
A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.
Taking a lane when there are blind curbs is the safest thing, actually. It’ll likely piss you off, but the 30 seconds I impede your regular speed, I swear on my life that (me specifically) am looking for a safe shoulder or driveway to plod into to let you pass me.
From New York: