
HOLE LEE SHIT! That led me down an insane rabbit hole! I had no idea. $7 billion dollars in manga sales? Five times higher than 80 years of Superman comic sales? That is crazy. Also, Space Invaders has made more money than Superman? SPACE INVADERS?!

I tried listening to “Let it Go” from Frozen to get “Toss a Coin to your Witcher” out of my head...and it didn’t work! I’ve woken up every day this week with “Toss a Coin” playing in my head.

Wait, are you saying that advertising that makes your movie look simultaneously horrifying and somehow also boring, followed by shipping out an unfinished version of the movie to guarantee that anyone who actually looked at the advertising and still went to see it opening weekend would tell all their friends it was

Seriously, Valve and Facebook make billions of dollars but the idea of spending a few hundred thousand dollars to hire full-time moderators is so repugnant to them they would rather allow Nazism and White Supremacy fester on their platforms.

All Republicans have gotten worse over the last 11 years. It comes from the trauma of a black President and marinating their brains in the sewage of Fox News.

It is astonishing to me that there are companies out there that still don’t just institute some sort of flat rate pay for everyone at the same level. Just figure out how little you are willing to pay your female employees, and then pay the men the same little amount. You get to screw over your employees AND not get

If you told me that a studio exec had never heard of Harriet Tubman before and didn’t bother to read the script, I’d believe that. He probably saw the name “Howard” and assumed it was Ron Howard, and then figured that if he tossed in Julia Roberts name on the trailers he would definitely hit his 4th quarter

It seems like the most obvious explanation is that he had to have emergency bone-spur removal. 

Seriously, I can’t even comprehend how people could think being angry was a bad thing. Warren’s anger is what made me start paying attention to her in the first place. Listening to her tear CEO’s a new asshole in Senate hearings is what got me excited about the idea of her presidency. She’s the smartest candidate, one

It’s the ultimate graceful dude fight, and it’s all a fight to find for the comfort of home.

They listened. And they don’t like what they hear. It seems to be virtually impossible to become rich/successful without feeling like you earned those riches. More than that, that you deserve those riches more than those who don’t have them. And why would you want to change a system that rewards people who deserve

Huh, a few bad apples really do spoil the whole barrel.

You are allowing a troll to derail your complaints about trolls into a bad-faith conversation about the definition of a troll.

...the one candidate with clear momentum faces persistent doubts among some party leaders...

Let’s all hope that it is only released on CBS All Access so that nobody will have to see it.

I know it is getting thrown around all willy nilly these days but...how is this not treason? Giving Turkey the go ahead to murder our allies who are the front line of the War on Terror fighting against ISIS? I don’t want to be embroiled in forever war anymore than the next guy but betraying allies? No one will ever

You have forgotten just how tremendously shitty Rex Tillerson was at his job. It’s understandable though, he was Secretary of State...what, 50? 60 years ago? Something like that.

My very first thought was “Was that the same interview where she talked about almost murdering Tom Cruise?”

Your work day sounds exactly like how I just spent my day off. I need to A.) Get a better job and B.) Go outside and hike or something.