
I predict that this strategy will be completely effective, just like it was every other time. Trump and the other Republicans will keep squealing that there was no specific moment that Trump used the exact words “I am going to withhold military aid until you investigate my political rival” so therefore there was no

Everyone in my family has resting bitch face, and we can crank it up to 11 when the situation calls for it. I once made a Dunkin Donuts worker apologize to me just by looking at them.

I didn’t realize this article wasn’t about Tom Steyer until I started reading the comments.

That’s a good one. Mine is that my sister and I were watching a movie back when a new Star Wars movie was the most exciting thing imaginable so my sister started a round of applause when the trailer for The Phantom Menace played before our movie. And by “started a round of applause” I mean she clapped enthusiastically

My money is on it being Russian related. Nothing salacious (unfortunately), just that we have actionable intelligence on Russian activities (probably hacking) and no one is doing anything about it. It is being actively covered up specifically because the pwesident’s feelings will be hurt if anyone even tries to talk

Only way it could have been worse was if he was vaping...

I don’t know, he probably doesn’t weigh quite that much. You’ve got to remember that he has, literally, no muscles. This is a guy who takes a golf cart to travel 100 yards while every other world leader walks. He has spent his entire life believing that any form of exercise actually reduces your total energy

I will have some new Twitter followers who will soon learn that I am less funny than they had hoped.”

I’m also keenly aware of the division between the Times’s opinion desk and newsroom; which is why I will take great pains to never read the latter or allow my colleagues’ work to alter my opinions or worldview in any way.

Is this some sort of Republican false flag operation? Get someone with a racist past to run for President and then just come out and say “yup, I’m basically a racist” so that all the Republicans can pretend that Trump isn’t racist, real racists use the n-word like that Walsh fellow.

Wait, now the Republicans are saying that we don’t need a tax cut? I really thought that cutting taxes for the rich was the one principle they would stick to, but even that has to go in the same of Trump’s ego I guess.

Where is Soros when you need him to pay a bunch of protesters to go dress up as their favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show character, anyway?

I genuinely can’t think of a better way to rest in peace.

I noticed and wondered about that too! Thanks for doing the research on this!

The weren’t able to predict the Fox News outrage machine or the likelihood of a mass shooting happening as they started their advertising campaign? How can I get paid millions of dollars to be astonishingly naive?

Dungeons & Dragons is more popular than ever, I’m surprised that Republicans haven’t tried to bring back the Satanic Panic while they’re at it.

Does it still count as Fake News if the mainstream liberal media is just quoting Fox News verbatim?

Any chance we can combine Logan’s Run with The Running Man? It’s really the next logical step for Fox News.

That’s a really interesting idea, having the Ranger’s ability change depending on what type of terrain they are in, so they are always adapting their tactics to the terrain. Maybe in the forest they could use a bonus action to hide and would have advantage on their stealth checks. Or some sort of bonus to climbing

He had made one careless blunder though, because he had skimped a
bit on his preparatory research. The information he had gathered
had led him to choose the name ‘’Leon Golub’’ as being nicely