They would probably stick some clause in that says a fetus becomes a full citizen of Kansas at the moment of conception and thus the fetus is guaranteed the “natural right of personal autonomy.”
I don’t know, there isn’t a single rich Jewish person on this list. I wouldn’t even know George Soros’ name if it weren’t for Republicans constantly demonizing him. Could just be a coincidence that every single rich Democratic donor that Republicans target just happens to be Jewish I suppose...
Is that the New Hampshire State House? Just curious, why did you choose that one for your header, I think Democrats control both legislative bodies in NH after the 2018 elections.
Gun manufacturing CEO’s must all have raging greed-boners at the thought of so much public money being funneled into their pockets.
I genuinely don’t understand how voter ID laws haven’t been ruled an unconstitutional poll tax yet. Oh, right, Republicans keep stacking the Supreme Court with partisan hacks who wipe their ass on the Constitution every chance they get (Citizens United).
I think you are just going to have to settle for robots that vacuum our floors for us. Big Rubber won’t let us have flying vehicles I’m afraid.
Stefanik said she doesn’t seen any reason why her party’s policies toward women could be to blame.
I’ll truly know that I am living in the Upside Down when Tucker Carlson endorses a 70% marginal income tax rate.
...he would list the types of tape that the smugglers used, usually mentioning that it was blue.
If Trump turns around and demands billions of dollars for a Mars-shot instead of for his moronic wall, I’m totally going to beg Democratic leadership to cave in before he changes his mind. If NASA could just time it so that we land on Mars on the same day Trump is led from the White House in handcuffs it will (almost)…
Can you even imagine how much of a selfish asshole you have to be to be a Muslim immigrant in a leadership position in the GOP, in Texas? How badly do you want your 1% tax cuts that you’re willing to be spit on daily by your own side while you are forced to tell everyone how great you think Trump is constantly even…
The White House has begun drafting a list of potential replacements for Ginsburg, many of them reportedly women, most likely in the hopes that they’ll avoid nominating another alleged sexual predator the media will treat it like a real possibility and then they’ll just nominate the worst person they can find, basied…
In an earlier tweet, Trump said, “I don’t care that most of the workers not getting paid are Democrats, I want to stop the Shutdown as soon as we are in agreement on Strong Border Security!”
I had my toe nail clippers confiscated. They claimed I would get them back when I landed, but sadly those clippers were never seen again. Of course, that was in December of 2001, so they were probably a tad more vigilant at the time.
How long until Border Patrol agents stop showing up to work and quit to find jobs that actually pay? Going to be pretty hard to “entirely shutdown the border” if the furlough keeps up.
Anderson Cooper is surprisingly stupid, even by broadcast journalist standards (though not by Fox News standards). He might literally be the dumbest person that 60 Minutes could find to interview AOC.
They did get pretty salty about other people saying the word “pussy” on TV though.
People like Conway make me wish I believed Hell was real instead of just the Medieval version of “Elf on the Shelf.”