
Can you imagine the feeling of relief he must have waking up every day and realizing he’s no longer the spokesman for the stupidest fucking world leader in all of history?

I try to avoid it, simply cuz it’s a pain. It takes longer, you have to manage how much you have, and it’s filthy anyway. The only time I use cash is when I’m at bars.

How about we just stop idolizing presidents altogether? Only monarchies should be putting their head of state on currency.

Hamill’s one of those people who just becomes a different kind of hot as he gets older.

Speaking of quality of writing... that’s one sentence. ONE.

Apparently there’s not enough horrible shit happening in real life to get outraged over...

Huge amounts of white space!

Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?

Next we’ll find out he prefers his berets to be puce.

Considering how many companies he’s bankrupted, it’s not like he doesn’t have a long legacy of bailing on shit once he fucks it up, leaving others to clean up his mess.

Local chat boards are pretty much all like that. I’m assuming 90% of them are retirees who have nothing to do but regurgitate the horse shit they’re fed all day every day by Fox News and Breitbart.

I’m sure he’d be happy to funnel other people’s donations through his own foundation so he can take credit for it. Ya know, the usual.

Oh shit! I gotta get on that.

Sounds about right.

Guess not.

FYI, the AVCAD is doing their own Reasonable Discussions if you prefer Disqus to this:

Whoa, let’s not do anything rash.

Unfortunately, I think the powers-that-be see the death of this community as a feature, not a bug.

I use Firefox almost exclusively, but it’s worth using Chrome just for Kinjamprove.

Whoops, I guess that’s a Kinjamprove feature.