
Bluetooth >>> aux plug. Too many phones are doing away with 3.5mm jacks now (inb4 “then don’t buy one that doesn’t have an aux jack!!!” - that’s missing the point). I’m absolutely a fan of keeping cars as analog as possible, but getting a newer car with bluetooth was great and is one of the few modern features I see

It’s been on sale for like two weeks... how can anyone realistically call sales “not good” with such little time?  Also, what would be good?  Harley has been mum on goals; wouldn’t that need to be known to give a comparison?

The Piggly Wiggly in lovely Crivitz, Wisconsin, is epic for the beer selection and a bunch more. With a selection of sauces called A Taste of Crivitz and a whole bunch of hot tubs for sale, how can you lose? Just buy your Spotted Cow and live your best life.

They actually used this technique in spiderverse. Miles moves at 12fps during action sequences while still training, making him seem jumpy and less graceful than the other spiderfolk, enemies are selectively sped up during fights to make them less predictable 

I’m guessing that seeing this in 60fps will be “good enough” (famous last words)? I don’t think normal people can really tell the difference. Gamers can probably tell the difference, but only because they have agency over their games and can test things out until they’re sure.

Harley so much as said it was a Halo model a year ago, the idea being get as much press as they could.
I am of the opinion that almost all auto focused news ignores the fact that Xennial’s and Millennial’s actually buy and ride Harley’s in droves. They could do research but that would hurt the narrative, they could

There are many 20-somethings signing on the line for $20k bikes. We don’t usually see it, but it’s a lot of blue-collar job kids with older coworkers who razz them about their rides. Think rural factory assemblers - they look at the older generation and kind of copy that.

Young people were out on force in Paris TX this weekend when we set the Guinness Book of World Record at 3467 Harley’s in single parade for the Adam Sandival / Paris HD #bringithomeparade - Youtubers in their 30's brought in people from every age group and while there were a lot of Boomers there were also a giant

Just made it to the showroom this month, seven days ago, and you’re already calling it dead? Sounds like you’re publishing an obituary way too early.

There is such a thing as overkill for games?

This news is great and all, but who uses Xeon processors for gaming?  Even the X series is a bit overkill for games, since they’re far more focused on IPC and clock speeds, something that they can get from the K series.

Finally a voice of reason.  When the company was going to spend many extra thousands on processors, I showed that, with what they did, the CPU was running 80% idle.  We put the money into more RAM and graphics.  Now everybodies happy.

If you look on pcpartpicker.com all the recent completed builds are AMD. I’m in the beginning phases of building a sub $1k machine. I have 2 builds, an AMD and Intel and the AMD seems better bang for the buck.

The fellow in the driver’s seat felt something break, and stood on the brakes. Rear brakes are not designed to stop the inertia of a dyno roller.

This “side loaded brakes” thing makes literally zero sense. In order for it to flex enough to cause THAT much drag the wheel bearing and hub would have had to been broken or this would happen anytime anybody gets a little sideways because the dyno is not “forcing” it to track straight any more than a road would be

Just add padding to the roll cage, like every wrangler available. Going to be better than having your body crushed because your roof is made of clothes hanger wire and vinyl. 

My thought is that consumers need to be trained. If they learn to plug-in sometimes, and love with it, they will be more likely to go full EV for the next car.

got a real controversial take here:

First impression: Grille.

Because Tesla drivers are like Prius drivers from the early 2000's so people hate them and can’t separate the consumer from the product. On the flipside nobody on this website can comprehend anyone being an auto enthusiast but not being obsessed with worn out 90's commuter cars.