
Reverse: wait you mean to say there was a “first” gas station? They didn’t just pop up everywhere overnight, and so early adopters of ICE vehicles were limited where they could travel for fear of running out of gas? That’s wild. I wonder if people complained about the distances they could cover and were anxious at

If the roads were straight enough, I could get home in five minutes flat.

Were y’all even alive in the 90s? Man, we are at a place where Mazda has a turbocharged sedan pushing 310 lb ft of torque and 250+ horsepower... and it’s super affordable.... and you’re complaining about it not being sporty enough? I had to drive a 1993 Camry in high school. Did it have a dent in the bumper? Of course

Disney are now removing all Fox repertory content from distribution

I’m sure glad we have megacorps that are able to withstand years of losses in a new market to entice consumers with artificially low prices, until their competitors are driven out, at which point they can jack up prices. Real normal economy we have here.

small crossover that doesn’t suck...how about a cross between a car and a station wagon? We shall call it....a crosswagon.

Bingo - buy a hatchback and come to grips with the fact that being lifted slightly, heavier and having less cargo room is not a solid purchase choice.

What do all you people complaining about the XV drive, exactly? I live in Asheville so approximately 30% of the population drives one and while I don’t, they seem...fine? They’re on the highway going highway speeds every day. I have never pulled up behind one at a red light and thought, “shit, now I’m being a

A Small Crossover That Doesn’t Suck

There is actually a very solid Asian student population so the closer you get to the UW campus the better the food gets. This being said if you see sushi in small town Wisconsin best to stick with the cheese tempura or bratwurst roll.

I feel like Time Attack doesn’t get enough column inches anymore. I remember fondly the Chris Rado front-wing Scion tC. That thing was wild, and I still love it. It also *worked*.

There’s some great time attack going on in Austraila and Asia right now, but it feels like things have died a bit here in the US. The

The first time I saw these was on the medium green paint color challenger (no idea what it’s called)....I was immediately hooked. It looked great. Like really great.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of United Enterprise Holdings, and to the Incorporation for which it stands, one rental, under contract, with stipulations and recommended insurance for all.

Or maybe they’d rather follow DIN 70020 or something.

“Man, I wish I could read about what it’s like to drive a solar powered car.”
>opens web page, sees a video without any text translation of what’s said in it<
“Huh, guess I’ll never know.”

This is what we want (and for us Canadians we can get!)

Patrick is right. We are due for the wagon resurgence. There’s just too many CUVs and SUVs on the road right now. Wagons have all the utility and have more character in the shape.  Id swing for a used V60 if possible though.

Of course, she can afford more, she has an expensive Range Rover. The point is she wants to downgrade to something more reasonable and probably use the rest of that money for something else that brings happiness. 

Definitely made it MUCH further up than I expected it to.  I was pretty surprised.