If you indicate your lane change before actually doing it, the biker will see you long before you even have to think about checking your blind spot. One of my biggest pet peeves is vehicles who fail to indicate, or indicate as they are moving.
If you indicate your lane change before actually doing it, the biker will see you long before you even have to think about checking your blind spot. One of my biggest pet peeves is vehicles who fail to indicate, or indicate as they are moving.
Remember, you are not "stuck in traffic" you *are* traffic. If that means letting bikes filter so there is more space for cars and truck on our congested highways, then let them do it.
Thanks for the advice! I'll be investigating in the next couple weeks.
Yeah, I've got the basic Rebel T3, the 70-200 IS looks like it might be a good choice. Maybe I will rent a better body to go with it, and put my 50mm prime on my body for more static shots.
Stef, what kind of lens do you use for these shots? I am going to be shooting a lot of races this year, and have just a stock 55-200mm, and a 50mm fixed. I know I can make it work, but might be able to rent a better lens for some of the bigger races.
Little do we know that construction project was making a shiv to stab your cellmate while you serve your life sentence.
When are directors going to learn, if the actor has their hands on the wheel, we understand they are driving? No need for the excessive steering wheel play!
Probably both, I can't see them wasting perfectly good timber like that when it can be used for mulch, fiber board, paper and lots of other processed wood goods.
If you learned how to use a full stop, I would be inclined to believe you.
That's not enough, they will bounce the waves off the ground and get them under the hat. You will have to fully cover yourself in tinfoil to stop this.
You should see the one my co-worker drives for his summer car. It's in pretty good condition, stock except for a ton of bumper stickers on that sweet rear hatch.
Volkswagen also fixed one of the previous Golf R's biggest drawbacks: now, stability control is fully defeatable from the factory. No longer will Golf R track days be met with constant interference fro electronic nannies when they're thrown into corners in anger. No need for hacking like last time.
Those glow sticks make your pictures look like renderings! Very cool. I also enjoy the tow hook being integrated into the rear diffuser area.
Does it baby? Alternatively, will you have to tie your TV to the top with shoelaces and silly string like *ahem* some other Jalop writers?
Agreed. I saw that concept and it was love. The classic proportions mixed with contemporary angles and sharp edges looked awesome.
Yeah, I had to go check. Most places consider the Impala, Taurus, and Charger as competition for each other, they are all right around the same base price.
Hmm, driver error or is the car not suited for our fabulous weather?
I live in Wisconsin, and I was just commenting the other day how many of these I have seen out and about. Just anecdotal evidence, but I've seen more of these compared to the Fusion, which I believe is it's main competitor.