
If I could afford to buy a new car, I would consider one of these really hard.

"She's on the rotor! She's on the rotor!"

When it comes to certification on a level like this, I wouldn't be surprised if each person was paid quite well for the day, the insurance will have paid for the broken leg, and the company that oversees the certification came out six to seven digits in the black.

They revised the design to manufacture the out-of-spec material, so that is the new design that will have to pass the new safety standards. Imagine if an automaker redesigned something like an ignition, and it started failing. Could they use the excuse that their first design (not in production anymore) passed, so the

"Well-healed" should be changed to "well heeled"

Yet, people seem to go 75-80 on it all the time!

Yeah, it's just a harness.

No, it's not even a bullet resistant vest. That is just a harness. Even the armor they make for dogs covers their chest and stomach much better than this harness.

The P85D *is* fully loaded. The base model is the Model S 60, at $74,570. The base E-class is the E250 with 195 HP, for $51,400. I would wager that the base model S is much better equipped than the the base model E class, but maybe not.

Maintenance departments re-paint lane lines all the time. I don't think spacing them 10, or 8 feet apart instead of 12 is beyond their skills.

Now playing

Didn't Ford just take a 5.0 Supercharged GT and run it at 10.97 ET?

Technically, but in reality there are some politics going on around top speeds.

I was honestly thinking of buying this wagon, but decided that any repairs on that engine would kill my maintenance budget for the year! Not exactly a good situation for a daily driver.

Looks like a mechanical bump key, it will jiggle each pin in turn until all of them are set at the correct height to open the lock.

It looks like that went as well as anyone could have hoped. The tire blow-out caused him to spin, which can dispel a lot of energy. Then the vehicle lifted up, also dispersing energy, hitting the back of the vehicle on the tires which slowed him even more. The seat, harness, helmet, and safety cell really shows how

Great for midwest winter fun!

"An acoustic laminated windshield helps keep the interior quite [SIC], while rear aero splitters are designed to do the same and shed mud easily."

This is not the Hellcat.

This is not the Hellcat.

This is not the Hellcat.