
I hate this bit so much.  I would punch her square in the face if it happened to me.

Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.

KD is like gum on the bottom a shoe, stuck in the cast of VR without a story, an interesting life or an ability to speak without slurrring at all times. I don’t think anyone can explain why she is still on tee vee. She and her neck beard guy should just do a complete fade.

“One of the most wonderful people I’ve ever known”?

Plus why are we still giving this anti-vaxx whackadoo work??

“you can go now”

Glad to see so much color!! Wheeee!

u did mark dirty here but okay!!!

Obviously this is really inappropriate and he shouldn’t have done it, but saying you’ve “always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate” is hilarious.

It’s not like you can wave a magic fucking wand and just end it.

Won’t you think of the oil!

Trump’s going to declare war on Iran months before the next Presidential election so he can get that war bump. I guarantee it.

Oh God, that image of Finebaum with his hand in his pocket and his other hand flapping around is great. He got nailed to the wall while the spotlight was right on him. I guarantee you he yelled at the producers for letting them speak to him like that.

Ding ding ding. We have enough oil in our reserves and via shale oil that we need not kowtow to those butchers anymore.

who cares if it was iran? We owe KSA nothing. 

It’s insane to me that in the year of our Lord 2019 we’re still having “Cam Newton is selfish” conversations. The guy has had no offensive line, no noteworthy receivers, and a platoon of overrated running backs basically ever since he came in the league, and has muscled them to numerous playoff berths and a Super Bowl.

Cam Newton is playing injured and probably has been playing injured for the last 3 or so years. He continued to play, because the Panther’s only other option at that point was...*check notes*...A literal robot who was programmed to throw turnovers and make racial slurs. He didn’t play because he was selfish, he played

More like Paul Substandardbaum amiri...

“but why did he opt to look like the ghost of a somehow-tan Victorian boy instead?”

Sort of like Andrew Luck recently, you have to respect Byfuglien taking some time away from the game to ask some tough questions like “Do I really want to spend another year of my life in Winnipeg” and “No, seriously, is there anyway for me to leave Winnipeg?”