
I know this isn’t the point of the story, but...

This is the kind of stuff that makes a real change. Educational opportunities are almost invaluable. Hopefully the program will encourage struggling kids to stick with school rather than dropping out too.

First of all, usually people like Manny who get off by being mean or exclusionary are only deeply sorry about the damage they do when they themselves get hurt. He had no problem being part of that You Can’t Sit With Us lifestyle until there was no longer a chair for him at the table.

Secondly, I’m reminded of that

Though he describes being canceled as “truly the most terrible thing I’ve ever been through in my life,”

I find out about more youtubers these days by them not apologising for misbehaviour than I do by looking for good content.

I was fully thinking she was being unreasonable until I saw that it wasn’t just a lookalike, they used actual photos of her to sell shit.

When Blackfishing come back to bite you on the ass. The girl doesn’t look like Ariana. Girl acting like she invented pink and ponytails.

You do, since you spent time clicking and commenting.

If you have to start a sentence with “I’m not a racist but...”

How about, pretend you’re complimenting your grandma/mom/sister? If your grandma looked especially nice in an outfit, you might want to tell her but your tone and words probably (jesus, I hope I’m right about this) wouldn’t suggest that you want to fuck her in that outfit. Maybe?

“I’m not racist but...” 

I’ve certainly noticed an uptick in “SORRY IF IT’S NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT BUT-” as though being rude about being rude makes everything better.

Yesterday the guy at the counter at the little bitty liquor store I sometimes go to, and always joke around with when he’s there, complimented me on my dress. Then he stopped and said, “I’m sorry, I’m probably not supposed to say stuff like that.” I replied, “Of course you can! Everyone loves a good compliment. What

continuing to ask a female subordinate out after she has said no

Cable news without these grifters is like pro wrestling without heels.

How about stop putting them on TV? They already know that people like her won’t tell the truth, so what’s left to see? Scripted drama? :/

Is Trump breathing?


Can you really clown someone who’s always clowning themselves though? I mean vaj steaming, magic stickers, hoo-hah eggs - there’s no way GOOPy was really serious about any of that stuff right? Right??? /s

So good luck, Gwyneth.