
{slowly raises hand, hating himself the whole time}

"Is there video?"

Now all they need is an unimaginative offensive coord-wait

I loved that he didn't wear batting gloves and swung at everything. Basically me in little league except I had no talent.

Where is the NSFW warning?? That gif is hardcore baseball porn.


I'm just commenting here so I don't get fined.

Who the fuck shoots a video portrait style?

Thanks for giving me a reason to think about this goal again.

Wait a minute...there's no Bullshit Street in Fuckoffville.

Not too soon. he has to wait for the league to tell him what that rebuttal is.

Big thanks to Michael Irving for trying to complete each phrase as they're being said like he's solving goddamn Wheel of Fortune.

Pulling the helmet off as I hit Letang is the reason I was a dad before my 18th birthday.

Nah just shitty.

Kobe is looking forward to only getting quadruple-teamed.

Fuck! I lost my super fan death pool!

Don't judge a building by the bullet holes in its doors.