
"typically fantastic performance from DeMarco Murray"

You can't bubble-wrap a quarterback.

It's just a Buffalo Hand Warmer

Fitzpatrick: Bryan, give me two numbers from the 90s and Brady's going to multiply them together.

Being a Western New York native this makes me a little homesick. When I wasn't an adult with responsibilities who didn't have to drive anywhere, I loved being snowed in. My house had a big fireplace, wear your jammies all day, drink some cocoa, dad doesn't go to work so we watch movies or play was super

Whoa whoa, slow down there, I'm taking notes on all of this.

"I missed it."

I think they made themselves perfectly clear: more peanut brittle-y, but don't lose all of the fudginess.What other context do you need?

Rock out with your Hawk out, amirite?

Secret Service Agent 1: I'm only going to ask you one more time. Are you working with anyone else?
Secret Service Agent 2: ANSWER him, you slippery son of a bitch!
Secret Service Agent 1: Are you working with anyone else? Anyone else? Yes or no?
Seal: [Leans forward]
Seal: [Coughs]
Seal: [Claps twice]
Secret Service Agent

+1, truly a great response

He has every right to sit and stew over their loss to the Giants and instead the dude goes out and plays baseball with a bunch of kids. To me that's hella classy. Well done sir.

"Taking a stroll through Knight's mentions, it's even worse"

If you graphed the best anthem singers in World Series history on a dart board, with the best ones near the bullseye, he'd be on the outside.

I trust players' opinions on whether they are concussed about as much as I trust a guy pulled over under suspicion of DUI about whether he's drunk.

The decision by Peter to donate his eyes provides a silver lining to an otherwise terrible story, even if he had plenty of vowels to spare.

Fitzpatrick: I'm not a man of many words! I hate pleonasm, despise verbosity, and detest loquaciousness! I'm not going to practice circumlocution here, fellows, nor try to pass off some periphrasis as hortatory rhetoric! No! All the vainglory and speechifying—I'll leave that to others! What I want to say is LET'S GET

Patiently waiting until you and your wife are alone in the elevator so you can sucker punch her out cold, and beating your four year old child with a stick are not the same as getting into a drunken physical altercation with family.

You know what? I read the OTL piece and I'm starting to believe that Goodell actually never saw the tape. I'm thinking Bisciotti influenced Goodell to not watch it and that he actually followed that order. Not that seeing the tape even fucking maters, because they were already told exactly what happened. Shit, even if