Either way, it strikes me as an unimportant error to bring up in a comments section like this.
Either way, it strikes me as an unimportant error to bring up in a comments section like this.
Struck me as a typo, not misuse of the word “rise”. All you have to do to mix the two up is forget to press to “A” key.
Because it’s an awesome niche.
Because it’s an awesome niche.
It’s a time or cost thing. You don’t get to work on movies of this size by being lazy.
It’s a tradition so I will be the one to post it. Eve Online is always more interesting to read about then actually play.
It very much seems to be saying “Others suck but I want to make note that I am better than them.”
Look up what Sony did with PlayStation VR advertising.
If my initial comment was “trollish,” I was trolling writing style, not Apple v. Android. If you were to check my comment record (which you won’t, and I don’t blame you; it ain’t that deep), you’d see that I call out writers for grammar and style mistakes all the time. I identified the error in question based on an…
I’m full-on mired now and as Kinja doesn’t go more than two-deep in comments I’m not sure of to what you are referring. If so inclined, please enlighten me. If you’re referring to the fact that I, as a frequenter of the Kinja comments section, am once again in a Flatland-esque* quarrel against challengers from all…
I’m no loyalist and I don’t buy a phone every year. What do I care? What does anyone care about anything? What do you care what other people say about something that they shouldn’t care about anyway? Do you only care about religion? Does it bother you that religion is stupid? Do you suffer from an omnipresent…
“What I do love about Apple is its support for third-party keyboards.”
I can vouch for this. I hated Gwent in Witcher 3 but have been enjoying Gwent standalone. Even went back and tried W3 Gwent after trying standalone and then I just disliked it even more.
Just wanted to pop in and say good on you for taking everyone’s childish toxicity and insult-based criticisms like a champ. You’d swear people were talking about a life or death, morally irresponsible situation.
Good on you. It’s a game. The replies to this comment are borderline absurd.
“Blows my mind that you don’t realize just how selfish, naive, and uncaring you’re being.”
He isn’t really though. They don’t have to play a healer or a tank or whatever either. If they choose to, that’s on them.
Private Internet Access: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/
Private Internet Access: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/
It’s the hard sale. Dupes bought a coffin I was supposed to burn up. Hah! Sold that thing 10 times now.
More to the point when they’ve run post after post saying, “it’s going to suck because of reason X” and then start their review with “we were actually ok with Big Issue X but man the rest of the movie sucked” and then go on to refer to Big Issue X in every section of their review?
I don’t think that is the point. Kotaku/Gizmodo don’t do a whole lot of movie/TV show reviews (compared to a dedicated movie site), but recently they seem to only have review of movies they have been supercritical of from the get go, and when a site has been running series of articles saying “This movie is going to…