
This is an issue Epic enabled. They gave a petulant child access to too much assumed power and didn’t put him in check because he drove sales of skins and other useless shit. Epic needs to take full responsibility for this and fire him as a brand ambassador. But who am I kidding, if this kids bullshit continues to gene

To give you something to comment about.

That argument sounds like the logic an alt-right, racist would use to justify why they should be taken seriously.

I’m willing to accept that it’s not the engine. However, there have been many games if late that are able to provide large interactive worlds while also looking beautiful, the most recent if which is RDR2. If Bethesda is going to say it isn’t the engine, then they really need to step up their game because they are bein

This game looks so promising that I went ahead and broke a controller in it’s honor.

If you call that cheating, people crawl out of the rafters to shout you down.

What proportion of them are ports?

Agreed. I went into the PS4 store apprehensive on putting down what I thought would be $20 for Tetris. When I saw the $40 price tag I went over to the live streams to see what I was missing. Turns out I wasn’t missing anything and noped the fuck out of that store page.

This looks very uninspired. Hopefully this is just a very limited look at the game.

“Amongst all their other bullshit beliefs, alt-right douchebags fetishize guns. Modern mutliplayer games are often solely about shooting other people. Alt-right douchebags are going to be attracted to shooter games because they like guns.”

You’ve definitely provided a compelling, well researched and well sourced rebuttal.

No GOBs to discourage people from leaving their zones. Sounds like a fail.

I love Once Upon a Time in the West except for one thing... Harmonica phoning in the actual harmonica playing. It’s distracting as hell. 

For me, RDR2 is basically Westworld the game. From that, I expect the game to react to me and to tie itself to my actions. I don’t expect the NPCs to have much past my peripheral, since that isn’t where I am. I like the touches of, for example, shooting a towns person in the leg and then coming back a week later to see

You are right, but you managed to ungrey a guy who resurrected his account specifically to shit on a good game and a troll. Come on, man!

Agreed. I’m curious how the character creation does in creating more Soulcaliburish looking characters vs these abominations, excluding maybe Mercy.

Video ads.

In Luke’s defense, this video had pretty good momentum on Reddit and he probably thought it would be a good click generator here too.

“If Origins and the early offerings in Odyssey’s store are anything to go buy,...”

I really hate that my brain always processes his channel as Bingging with Babish.