Just started playing this over the free weekend. I wad really surprised at how fun the game is and how solid the coop turned out to be.
Just started playing this over the free weekend. I wad really surprised at how fun the game is and how solid the coop turned out to be.
Want the pack if DLC for andromeda directly related to the weak performance of the game, itself related to how bad it was?
The game seems like a ghost town on PC. The various lfg apps are barely being used and matchmaking for strikes usually puts you in solo. It’s feeling like the game is almost dead.
I don’t believe he was complaining about the idea of ads, rather how Kotaku has executed them.
Wasnt it already at zero?
That’s what I like about RS Siege. I can take PVP breaks and jump into terrorist hunt games and not feel like I’m missing it on exp while also playing a less amped up game mode. It definitely keeps me in the game longer.
If it wasn’t for that blue haired, tantrum throwing man-child.
Data extrapolation is complicated, very messy and very risky. It assumes that the data available is largely representative and if it turns out the data isn’t, the findings end up being largely junk. This is likely why they are shutting down; the trust and value of the results would be highly questionable.
Gotta appreciate the gameplay over visuals tilt. I hope it plays well.
I wasnt sure if they may have switched over at some point, which would have contributed to the long development time.
Which engine was this developed in, FO3 or FO4?
Far Cry 2 is still my favorite. It just felt great. The key was to generally disregard much of the questing. Far Cry would have the top spot if it weren’t for that dumb turn half way through.
It’s an expensive windbreaker with a shitload of pockets that are crammed with a bunch of cheap and, in some cases, useless crap. It’s no more a “multitool of jackets” than what you currently have and it sure as hell isn’t a “dream come true”.
It’s an expensive windbreaker with a shitload of pockets that are crammed with a bunch of cheap and, in some cases,…
You don’t see a difference in being able to play Super Metroid vs a game that was released in the last few years on nearly every existing system that was around at the time?
Clearly. It does seem like most switch owners are happy with a plethora of recycled games, which is great for them. However, it would have been nice to know early on that this was going to be the primary business model for the system. And the real kick in the balls is that Nintendo is dragging their feet on giving us…
Another port and more dust 😒
Joined 5 galleon games, got insta-brigged 5 times. I no longer join galleon games.
A video of a blue haired, 20's something adult playing fortnite showed up on Reddit earlier this week. I watched as he got killed and proceeded to throw a grade a temper tantrum while going into great detail about the shit another player could eat. Shortly after I realized that this was the guy who drew that record…
Not out of luck at all. You just got the perfect opportunity to practice your local language.
Wow, that steamer is really annoying. 30 year old guy talking like a teenager while wearing a similarly appropriate hat expects a software running through an emulator to recognize his PC and the power it provided and become exasperated when it doesn’t.