
I picked the game up in PC a few weeks ago and found it to be largely dead. No Strikes would match with other players and there didn’t seem to be many in the public spaces. On top of that, the lfg channels including the destiny app don’t show many groups forming.



If there is a “diewithout ever seeing your attacker” challenge, this would work for me.

How do you square the reactions from those that see this game as merely an attack on those who want a more inclusive and boundaryless world?

Had anyone tried to use a TV like this as a 4k screen for their family room PC?

Had anyone tried to use a TV like this as a 4k screen for their family room PC?

Just to be clear here, being a feminist and being a prude are not mutually inclusive. It’s about on whose terms in which certain things happen.

Yup, so what is the real issue here? That women make money off their tits because guys will pay for it, or that guys can’t make money off dick waving because women won’t pay for it?

If you’re not expecting partially covered tits on twitch, then you aren’t paying attention.

What women are fighting against is the objectification against them when they view it as unwanted. These women are clearly onboard. The only people this causes an issue with are guys who can’t tell the difference. It’s doesn’t make their, the women’s, argument worse, it makes it more obvious who the guys are who would

You and the idiots that starred you fail to realize that the women who want to make as much as the guy in the cubicle next to them and the women in these streams are not the same women. Additionally, the real double standard here is that a bunch of guys want to make money off a “useless” talent but don’t want women to

Why does that matter?

Why not use sex for views? It’s not their fault that it works and is profitable, it’s the consumer’s. It would be like getting upset that the grocery store sells apples. If you don’t want apples, don’t buy apples.

Well that sure was a successful troll.

You can also find this in most self storage stores, FedEx/UPS/USPS locations and, if you are a frequent Amazon purchaser, probably your own home!

You may want to spend a little more time with reading comprehension and parsing sentences before making an ass of yourself again.

Hello, Rock Bottom!

I’ve been trying to farm Anjanath but it’s been frustrating. People in the pug get overly confident or don’t pay attention and end up eating his for breath. There other night in back to back groups, three people ate it and died at the same time.

Doom was a fun, mindless action movie that did fps quite well.

What makes them such an issue? Do they have a high ac or something?

First time seeing Golgo in a while.