Way to willingly miss the nuance.
Way to willingly miss the nuance.
I think it’s interesting, complicated and extremely volatile. I don’t consider it “real” because key governments have not said much one way or the other as to their view of it’s legitimacy and I’m not sure what the can it will do to get in the way of it if it is rejected. I’m certainly not sitting up high looking down…
No A does not always equal B when it comes to buying with money. Look no further than a car sale. I do appreciate the overly simplistic view you guys take when it comes to this topic however.
Close, they have real world value because their price is directly tied to something purchased with actual real money, time cards.
I guess by that logic, wow gold is also real money.
Uh, the outcry you are referring to is their gaming of the exp curve.
So you really believe that destroying the meta and any semblance of balance is what people were looking for, and those exact same people are now mad because they got what they asked for?
Sure, my point still stands. Anything to add to your comment about Trace Rifles or do you agree that what you said in that regard was silly, at best?
Cosmetics: seriously, no one really cares about this other than people looking for something to be pissed about
“His dog...” Well played, Cecilia, well played. Have my click.
The land of love pillows is calling a Star Wars logo dorky... Gonna have to go with a big, “meh.”
How many hours did you put into the game?
Funny how opinions work.
Allowing someone to sell merch based on your IP doesn’t give people a way to give you money either. Creating your own merch requires time and capital you may not have access to. Regardless, it’s up to the IP creator to determine how and when they monetize their products, not the fan base.
“Thou shalt not pass!” - The Gatekeeper
It’s only an unpopular opinion because it had no basis in reality. Find evidence that supports this view and you may get the tides to turn. Or, what may be easier is for you to read about the research that’s already been done and then change the way you think.
Was going to post a very similar comment. Want to always have a sharp blade for pennies rather than dollars? Get a safety razor.
Was going to post a very similar comment. Want to always have a sharp blade for pennies rather than dollars? Get a…
The odds are pretty good given how many of us play a game and how few are tuned into the streaming scene.
So you’re saying that certain types of child porn is ok?
It’s interesting that someone who writes about games can’t divorce themselves away from their particular interest to understand, form an opinion and discuss a concept that is impacting the industry and then determine if the whole is better than it’s sums.