
I lived in Japan for 3 years from 99-03. I was discriminated against just for being a white American. I quickly realized that facilities in Japan can get away with this and will discriminate against anything they feel goes against the atmosphere they want within their doors. As far as criminality, there are certain

I think you missed the point. You can’t accurately claim significance without data. You can assume a difference but significance is calculated and only assumed around the confidence level in which the test is calculated. Also, you need to be making a comparison.

Not necessarily true. Depending on the total base of users and the confidence level of interest, 5-15% could very well be significant.

How did you determine significance? That requires data and I dont think anything of the sort has been made public.

Your Jezz is showing. Try to take a joke.

Comparing the scouts jumps to tracers blink is not very fair. Her blink is extremely fast and she can dart in quick succession. The only way someone is grabbing her is doing so with extreme luck.

The chances of someone being able to exploit this to their advantage is going to be very small. You would likely be better off not changing the way you play for something with such small odds.

Logic and reason are two things idiots abhor. Unfortunately idiots and psychopaths can be hard to differentiate.

Patricia, what you describe is not cannibalization, rather alienation since they would be pushing current consumers of their products towards something else. Cannibalization would be, for example, Sony releasing a new console and would be buyers of vanilla ps4 moving to the updated version. The updated version would

Either you have no awareness of how servers are paid, are being willfully ignorant or you are just an ass.

In all fairness, Super Metroid fixed that one.

A lot of us were able to call the WiiU as being bullshit about 15 min after it released. I’m sure we will have similar success with the NX. At this point, Nintendo with their refusal to keep up generation to generation as it relates to capabilities has them about 2 generations behind. They really need to step it up or

Went against my better judgement and tried playing the first one. That was a piece of shit. Thought perhaps the second one was where it got fun and interesting. NOPE! I do not understand why this game has such a crazy fan base.

Counter point, Godzilla is wearing a bikini.

But will it have matchmaking for PvE?



Source Engine 3? Perhaps he will make HL3!

I like this idea a lot. While other developers have arguably done similar, this one is much more on the surface.

Now playing

How do you post this article and not include the nightmare of a sales video?

How do you post this article and not include the nightmare of a sales video?