
In today’s episode of “People with no Shame”...

Black gets the gold for the cut scenes.

That’s how I feel about a lot of anime, looking at you Trigun. Some would be absolute classics ifit wasn’t for this other, out of place, creepy slapstick shit.

I would argue that this set and overall build does not come to life until you put a topaz in a weapon and that thornes gem in a ring. You do that and the whole thing suddenly clicks. The only downside is that mobility for a crusader isn’t the best, but hey, you need balance. If the crusader had the mobility of the DH

Not sure you could come up with a more narcissistic name for an app that does that.

/facepalm I had Quake in mind. Nice catch.

And I am saying they won’t. There is no difference between seeing this and seeing someone jump off a cliff in Halo. Also, I wasn’t moving goalposts, I was pointing what would need to be taking place for this issue to exist in the first place. If you can deal with someone in CS throwing a nade at their own feet, then

I frequented arcades that had VR headsets and cabinets in the 90s. I have a 1st gen Oculus dev kit and my best friend has the latest one. I’m not going to say that I’ve spent more time using them than people actually developing games, but I’ve spent enough time in one that I rarely get motion sick. I’m constantly

No, it really isn't different. You are not tricking yourself into thinking you are really doing this to yourself. The only reason you get motion sick is due to how our bodies process movement. Actually performing conscious acts is completely different. You are giving VR a level of credit it does not at all deserve.

I was more interested in the ping pong ball launcher when I thought it was a cheese ball launcher.

I was more interested in the ping pong ball launcher when I thought it was a cheese ball launcher.

Just going to point out that we have been able to suicide in games since they were created. Want to suicide in pong, don’t move the paddle. Want to suicide in Doom, shoot a rocket at your feet.

Why would it be a bad thing? I never saw any hate towards Myst.

So you are saying that Chrome will now only crash as much as Safari does? Safari is far from stable on my iPad Air 2.

Is this essentially this generation’s Myst?

The PS4 version doesnt take advantage of the motion elements of the controller?

What I read you typing is that you never played a PS1 game.

How is this compared to Superheroes? That is such a huge game with a lot of hero options. Its because of this that its the first Lego game I've purchased; it seemed like the best bang for the buck.

I’m not much of a car guy, but I already appreciate the subtle feedback I get from my pedals. I hope something like this does not get in the way of that.

Most boring Penthouse Forum submission ever!