The white one.
The white one.
That stage number opens up with very similar music, throw in the magic of it and I think it has to be intentional at some level.
I will stick with being a Triceratops. I worked too hard to stop wearing that outfit.
So much for his stealth run.
At least it was just while you were navigating the world, and not, say, forcing you to watch a zoom-in/zoom-out while navigating simple menus for adjusting your weapons.
I played through the 3 house paths and it took me 320 hours. I was so sick of the game by that time I didn’t even want to do the church route.
The credit really does go out to all those voice actors that pour so much into their performances. No one in the main cast really sounds like they phone it in. It’s why I enjoyed the bros in Final Fantasy XV and all of Persona 5. It’s nice to have Square Enix games that are finally voiced right.
As someone who just platinum’ed the game last night, I completely feel your pain. The worst part is I didn’t even realize how much work they put into Tifa’s combat until I had to get the 300% Stagger trophy. Before that, I mainly used her as someone to just fill stagger bars, not knowing that her very first ability…
Neither does Square-Enix.
Jenova fight was pretty great. Enjoyed the music evolving over time the further along you got. But one thing...
I mean, I, as a literal war god named Kratos, only beat the Valkryrie Queen once (per playthrough), whereas she beat me probably over a hundred times (total, but especially on GMGOW+). So, uh, I’m totally into badass killer women in my Viking cosplay power fantasy, I gotta say.
My guess is they will definitely expand a lot on this when the Gold Saucer comes out. Since they will have a lot of room to fill, it will probably be the most impressive Gold Saucer since XIV, with every minigame in the original as well as every minigame we’ve seen so far here plus some that we haven’t seen yet, so…
I’ve had several criticisms of the original (a game that I consider very strong in its strengths, and very weak in its weaknesses), and chief among them is that the combination of bad graphics, poor dialogue by some characters, characters who come off as one-dimensional cartoons (*cough* Barret *cough*), and etc. made…
I’ve played the original enough times that I can rattle off a good portion of the story beats even though it’s been more than a decade and a half since I played the game. I’m only at Chapter 15 right now and I can tell you flat out, this game is blatantly fucking with people that played the original.
I love it too, I love how each character has different styles of play that can be customized based on the weapons you choose.
While there’s certainly room for improvement in the sequels (doing a better job of explaining how all the parts fit together, for one), I love the combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake so goddamn much. It’s definitely gonna be the standard by which I measure future ARPGs for quite some time to come. Particularly if the…
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
It totally has a plot and it’s pretty much why I’m playing it. I’m a lazy gamer and tend to avoid games that make you work. But this game is pretty engaging for me so I kept at it (played the intro a few times over a month before it hooked me). I only got it cause it was free from Epic Games Holiday promotion.