
No one’s going to say anything about Voldemort wearing some useless beats?

Blocky Cloud Amiibo

I peed myself

It is, actually. And has a really good message about feelings and stuff.

It doesn’t. It’s a really far-fetched joke.

Did you laugh?

Yeah, seems like it. Now that someone explained it, it’s still not that funny.

It seems that is a joke about Bolero of Fire, and Bolero as the short jacket that the woman is wearing.

Aw... thanks anyway superior deity.

Oh... that makes sense, I guess

Me neither.

Some superior living being could explain it to us?

Thanks for the advice. Since reading your original comment I decided to fix it and I’ll follow your advice and do some searching. I’ve managed to be a few months (some time ago) without masturbating at all, but went back to prone masturbating after a while (that thing they call the internet is filled with porn...

I have this problem too. Not really worked on fixing it as I don’t have a sexual partner right now, but it’s nice to know that there are ways to make it work.

Right. Sorry for not making clear that part.

What I was trying to say is that the Famicom/NES version was Konami and not Nintendo.

The NES version was still Konami (without the original MSX2 Team and Kojima)

Talk french?

omg this gif.


You should punish him by locking him in the dungeons of Kotaku Tower.

(You do have dungeons, don’t ya?)

When needed, I call it like that.