Haven’t played the second one, but general opinion is that The Dark Descent is much better.
And, A Machine of Pigs was from a differente developer (and made some questionable changes, from what I read)
Haven’t played the second one, but general opinion is that The Dark Descent is much better.
And, A Machine of Pigs was from a differente developer (and made some questionable changes, from what I read)
Skinny Mario (?)
hehe, Cooler.
Knights of Honor. *feels the urge to play it again*
the next kaiju attack?
Golden Time!
I loved this game as a kid, and still do. It was fun for me and a great way to learn the english language (I speak spanish natively). Also, got to learn some facts about the world and as you’ve said, the music is really good (I’ve come to realize that music is what gets me more attached to a game).
Don’t let them give you a hard time. Jerks will be jerks for wathever reason. It’s a nice little post about something funny you found (and that you don’t take credit, just sharing a video), but that’s a really complex idea for some minds: the idea of something being funny and just that.
Yep, others have said it.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Mostly this, yeah.
Yeah, I don’t mind them trying something new. I’m more worried about the cast and what Hollywood passes as comedy these days. Still, haven’t seem much of it and I’m willing to give it a try.
It could be good, I’m not taking that option off. But I still doubt that it’ll have the charm of a good old western movie. I guess that we’ll just have to give it a try.
The Magnificent Seven is a classic western movie from the 60’s. And this... probably a lackluster remake.
You don’t put the Ghostbusters movie in the blasphemy-inducing remakes? Having a good feeling on that one?
What’s wrong with it? Being really fun?
Looking really good for being in alpha. I guess that os a given that the final version would have better character animation.
We go from not ever participating in a FIFA World Cup to win 25 of them?